Are you interested in visiting the group? Do you need parking while you are here? Internet access? Directions? Let us know if you have any questions that are not answered below.
Getting Here
The E² lab is at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL), city campus. For directions on how to get to the city campus, check Mapquest. Once you have arrived at campus, you can use the university campus maps to get oriented. Be sure to note the one-way streets! The laboratory is located in Avery Hall, circled in the map below:

Internet Access
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus has an extensive wireless network available. Here at Avery Hall, wireless 802.11g is available in every room on every floor. There is also a detailed map available that shows wireless coverage for the entire campus. If you are visiting campus for less than one month, you can fill out a form available at the “UNLWireless" guestregistration page for temporary access. UNL is a participating institution of the eduroam education roaming network access service. Users with eduroam credentials from another participating institution can use those credentials to access the UNL campus wireless network.
If you will be bringing a car, you will need a place to park upon arrival. For information about visitor parking, please check the Parking and Transit Services visitors page, but note that there are metered spaces right at the entrance of the last portion of road leading to Avery, and the Stadium Drive Parking Garage shown on the map above frequently has spaces available.